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Visit our 2024 Gardens - 11 great gardens

Enjoy a sneak look below of the 11 beautiful gardens that shine – whatever the weather.

This year, the Passion for Art studios will run alongside the Rotary Cambridge Garden Festival.  These can be visited on the Saturday and Sunday, more information is available here.

A Country Feel

Jan and Bill Mathers have created this “Country Garden” over the last 22 years.  This is a garden packed with hydrangeas, maples, hostas, garden structures and many other interesting features. There are more than 100 different features and over 185 different species of Hydrangeas. The gardens are constantly evolving.

Everything In Its Place

Carol and Colin purchased this property in 2023.  Carol wanted a minimalist garden in green, white and purple.  Carol and Colin have restructured the garden to achieve her desired minimalist look.  She likes the way this complements the style of their house.

Low Maintenance

When Sally and John built their new home in Thornton Road they brought established plants with special meaning from their previous property. Their aim was to create a low maintenance garden that suited their desire to have an easy care self-maintaining garden that was nice to look at.


Sally’s garden is just 18 months old.  Contemporary in its design it was always intended to complement the design of the house which it sets off.  This style is offset by a more traditional garden which is set on the grounds of the Waikato River. Sally is particularly proud of the Topiary's in the front garden.

A Slice Of History

An old-fashioned garden with expansive grounds.  Lynne and Paul’s existing house was built in 1877 and has been in their family since 1943.  This property has an abundance of history.   In earlier times it was the home of a creamery, producing Anchor butter, then a rose nursery.


Jan and Eric describe inheriting a “wilderness” when they purchased this property.  Jan is a garden designer, so she set to work transforming the garden with Eric.  It is now a well-established garden with an interesting blend of form, foliage and flowers which Jan describes as being at its best in Spring.

Designed With Something In Mind

Karen and Brian have spent the past three years changing the style and shape of the garden that was in place when they purchased their property.  They sought to create a garden that would suit their lifestyle.  This garden is structured to suit indoor/outdoor living.

Green Oasis

Pam and Peter describe their garden as a “green oasis” hidden from the street.  The garden is set out on a 2000 sqm site with a large lawn which sets off the carefully planned garden.


Janine has been developing this garden for the last 7 years.  The garden has a hard landscape structure with planting that is informal.  It is filled with a collection of what Janine likes to see in a garden.

A Series Of Rooms

Ken and Helen have lived at this address for just two years.  They built the house and designed it so that it would suit the section.  Helen spent a year planning the garden and describes it as a series of rooms, the first being visible as you enter the property.


Phillipa’s garden has been inspired by a French industrial theme blended with large well established English trees and Kiwi natives.  A feature is the large pergola constructed from hardwood sourced from the Oamaru wharf.

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